Discuss the characteristics of effective communication. JAIBB
or What are the essential factors for effective communication?
Characteristics of Effective Communication: Effective communication
is essential for the success of the organization.
But to ensure effective communication
one should consider the following factors:
1. Correctness: Correctness is the first quality of effective communication.
Wrong messages failed to serve the purpose of communication,
thus the sender should aware of the correctness.
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2. Open communication climate: The communication climate of the
organization affects the quality of information.
There should be a open communication climate for exchanging views,
that is employees should get opportunity
to participate in the decision making process.
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3. Meaningful information: The information or message should be expressed in
such a way that the receiver can easily understand,
4. Making goodwill: Effective communication should enhance
the goodwill of the organization
5. Using audience centered approach: Using an audience centered means keeping
your audience in mind at all times when communicating.
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6. Natural tone: To ensure effective communication the tone of the message must be natural.
Any kind of artificial tone should be avoided.
Discuss the characteristics of effective communication. JAIBB
7. Intercultur. 1 differences: Another major factor
for effective communication is understanding
the intercultural difference between the sender and the reader.
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8. Clear and Completeness: Messages should
be written or presented clearly and completely.
9. Assuring ethical communication: Ethics are very important in communication.
All relevant information must be true in every sense.
Honesty should be maintained throughout the communication process.
“See More-” Discuss the importance of communication business. (BDE)
10. Tactfulness: To create effective communication
the sender should transfer messages tactfully
11. Interest of the receiver: Keeping the ‘You-view point in mind techniques
should be applied to convince the receiver.
That is interest of the receiver should be given priority.
“See More-” How communication related with management? (BDE)
12. Orderly presentation: In case of verbal or written
communication message should be presented orderly.
If messages preserved unsystematically the purpose
of the communication can not be fulfilled.